Occupational Therapist
About Emma Connolly
Full Potential Occupational Therapy was developed by Emma Connolly, Occupational Therapist following years of working with families who were frustrated with mainstream, clinic based healthcare. Listening to family’s frustrations with long waiting lists, limited Therapy times and locations, were all influential factors that inspired Full Potential to emerge.
This service is primarily Home and Community/Nature Based, utilising the natural, most familiar and accessible environment to my clients. Therapy sessions are based on the ConTiGO approach to nature-based therapy. ConTiGO stands for Connection & Transformation in the Great Outdoors. This approach uses a blend of structured activities and child-led playful learning, involving children in making decisions in every session.
Home & Nature based Therapy reduces costs to families, and makes Therapy more accessible. There are many options available, making this a Truly Holistic, Client Centred Service for people of all ages.

Emma has completed extensive training and professional development some of which include Mindfulness for Professionals, Housing Adaptions and Universal Design, Sleep Consultancy, The Test of Playfulness & Environmental Supportiveness (Tops & Toes), Occupational Performance Coaching, Cygnet post diagnostic Training Programme, and is currently working towards her masters in Sensory Integration. Emma regularly attends training workshops and receives external supervision to keep her own practice, focused, current and in line with best practice guidelines.
Emma is Fully Insured, Garda Vetted, a member of the AOTI and WFOT, and is registered with CORU. (OT029454) and HCPC Reg No. OT082716

What is Occupational Therapy
A simple definition of Occupational Therapy is that it helps people engage as independently as possible in the activities (occupations) which enhance their health and wellbeing’ (BAOT).
Healthcare Profession
Occupational Therapy is a healthcare profession and aims to facilitate people to do the activities or meaningful occupations that are important to them.
"Whole person approach"
Occupation is the term used to describe all the different activities that we carry out in our daily lives, E.g self-care, leisure, school/work.
Occupational Therapy takes a ‘whole person approach’ to both mental and physical health and wellbeing and enables individuals to achieve their full potential.
How Occupational Therapy can help you
Occupational Therapy can help you manage your life and mental wellness in a variety of ways.
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- Occupational Therapy works with you to build skills to enable you to complete the activities of daily living that you need or want to do.
- It helps you to adapt the activity or environment that you do it it.
- The role of Occupational Therapists is to deliver occupation based-interventions that will enable people to carry out their daily lives to the satisfaction of themselves and others.
- Occupational Therapists work with people of all age groups who may have diverse problems in a variety of settings.